1. Form
2. Command – like button in j2se
3. Radiobutton
4. Checkbox
5. Combobox
6. TextField
7. passwordField
8. commandAction Function
now we will discuss each one in detail :-
1. Form
The form is the container that hold our component .
To create the form
- Form frmMain = new Form("Title of the form ");
- Display display = Display.getDisplay(this);
- display.setCurrent(frmMain);
The command is the button that hold the action we will do it
To create button
- Command ok = new Command("ok", Command.OK, 1);
- First attribute : is the command label
- Seconed attribute : command type (ok – cancel – exit …..etc)
- Third attribute : is the priority of the button
- frmMain.addCommand(ok);
- we refer it to the form but first we must implements the class from CommandListener then override commandAction function to do the action inside it .
- public class Welcome extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
- public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {}
3. Radiobutton
Allow us to choose one and only one item from two or more items
To create it
- Create array hold the items
- String[] radio = {"Rock", "paper"};
- ChoiceGroup radiobutton = new ChoiceGroup("Your choice1:", ChoiceGroup.EXCLUSIVE, radio, null);
- Attribute 1 :- radio label
- Attribute 2 :- tell the radio to choose only on item .
- Attribute 3 :- assign the items using the array
- value instead of imageElements.
- frmMain.append(radiobutton);
4. CheckBox
Allow us to choose multiple items
To create it
- Create array hold the items
- String[] check = {"Python", "Symbian", "J2ME"};
- ChoiceGroup checkbox = new ChoiceGroup("Your choice2:", ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE, check, null);
- Attribute 1 :- checkbox label
- Attribute 2 :- tell the checkbox to choose multiple item .
- Attribute 3 :- assign the items using the array
- Null value instead of imageElements.
- frmMain.append(checkbox);
5. ComboBox
Allow us to choose one item from compact lits
To create it
- Create array hold the itemsString[] combo = {"Red", "Green", "blue"};
- ChoiceGroup combobox = new ChoiceGroup("choose color:", ChoiceGroup.POPUP, combo, null);
- Attribute 1 :- combox label
- Attribute 2 :- tell the combo to choose one item from compact list .
- Attribute 3 :- assign the items using the array
- Null value instead of imageElements.
- frmMain.append(combobox);
6. TextField
An area in which the user input data from the keyboard.the are can also display information
To Declare it
- TextField txt = new TextField("Name", "", 15, TextField.ANY);
- • frmMain.append(txt);
like TextField put display information in encrypted form
To Declare it
- password = new TextField("Pasword", "", 15, TextField.PASSWORD);
- frmMain.append(password);
8. CommandAction Function
the function that hold our action .
after declare it .
- public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {}
//now we wil remove all form item
//now will remove ok command
// now will set title to the form
frmMain.setTitle("your output");
//will display our name and password
frmMain.append("your ouput here \n");
frmMain.append(txt.getString() + "\n");
frmMain.append(password.getString() + "\n");
//then go to the source code to show more and more
The run of the code
We have learned how to make gui example in to Java 2 Micro Edition.
This example is very simple example. It can be executed using editors like NetBeans IDE or J2ME Wireless Toolkit(KToolBar). Using API's like JSR 135 etc.. try to create more programs and try them in these tools. I will get back to you with more articles on J2ME.
Project Source Code : Click Here
15 comments: on "J2ME By Example, How to make simple GUI"
Thanks for your support :)
really , very nice topic
It's a fantastic explain
keep forward
thanks alot sherif for you comment
hope to found what you want in this blog
Nader Mahmoud
nice work guys
keep updating ....
thanks Nader for your support
thanks alot
go forward
you are welcome and thanks for your support
Great Post Ahmed
Go on :)
Thanks man .. wait the next isA soon :)
ohh I need that , great work, keep forward
happy for that, and wait the next posts ;)
Big thanks for detailed and Image screen shot enabled demo article.
I got a lot of confusions cleared up bu your article.
So happy that you found what you need here,Farrukh.
Thanks for your comment :)
Really nice code...but how to add combo and pop up menu in header of form.......
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