
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Introduction to Google App Engine ( GAE )

Lesson #1 Outlines
  1.       Introduction
  2.       Introduction to Cloud Computing
  3.       Difference Between Cloud Computing Types
  4.       Introduction to Google App engine 
Let us discuss it.

1.     Introduction

  •           Application development, as you know it, is about to change.
  •   Think about your development project plans for a moment. Do they all seem to have the same line items for the first phase? Build a server. Install a database. Configure the application server.
  •      You should be able to focus your energy on building the application from day one. That’s where Google App Engine comes into the picture.
  •      App engine is a part of Cloud computing.

2.     Introduction to Cloud Computing

  •  Any cloud-computing offering should have certain characteristics Above all, it should be multi tenant. 
  •  A key component of a true cloud-computing platform, multitenancy is a type of software architecture where one instance of the offering is used to serve multiple tenants.
  • There are three main, accepted levels of cloud-computing offerings. They are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

3.     Difference Between Cloud Computing Types

        i -  Infrastructure as a Service  ( IaaS )

a.      lowest level

b.      Offers the physical infrastructure (or Virtualized physical infrastructure) to tenants with the ability to pay for what they need in terms of computing power.

c.       Instead of purchasing servers, software, and physical location, a tenant of an IaaS offering can pay for these components as needed in a more subscription-based fashion.

d. offer “pay per CPU hour” pricing for Linux and Windows platforms.

                  ii -  Software as a Service ( SaaS ) 

a.      much like IaaS

b.      Offers solutions to the customer on a per-usage model.

c.       SaaS offerings completely abstract the physical and application layers from the end user or developer.

d.      For example, provides its own customizable user interface and proprietary programming language (Apex) but doesn’t expose to the end user the hardware or software layers that power the application.

e.       An important characteristic when it comes to application upgrades and maintenance: everything is centrally updated (available to all customers).

                        iii- Platform as a Service ( PaaS )
a.      Between IaaS and SaaS

b.      PaaS offers a bit more than IaaS, without providing an actual end-user product.

c.       PaaS components are typically building blocks or solution stacks that you can use to build your own applications.

d.      App Engine is a PaaS offering, currently supporting a Java and a Python runtime to build your scalable web applications without the need for complex underlying hardware and software layers.

e.       You are restricted by a governor process or application quotas.

f.       Application quotas, which Google defines for App Engine applications, define the daily-allotted amount of computing power, space, or bandwidth that any one application is allowed to utilize.

4 - Introduction To Google App Engine 

1 - Google App engine Architecture

2 - Why App Engine 

  • Managing everything is very hard ( without GAE)
  • Hosting (without GAE ) means hidden costs
v   Idle capacity
v   Software patches & upgrades
v   License fees
v   Lots of maintenance
v   Traffic & utilization forecasting
v   Upgrades
  •  GAE Language runtimes ( Python & Java )

3 - Components of an App Engine application

a.       SDK & “The Cloud”
b.      Hardware
c.       Networking
d.      Operating system
e.       Application runtime
f.       Java, Python
g.      Static file serving
h.      Services
i.        Fault tolerance
j.        Load balancing

4 - App Engine Services

To Be Continued ..............................

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4 comments: on "Introduction to Google App Engine ( GAE )"

Anonymous said...

Keep On .. Great Post

Anonymous said...

thanks alot Eng/Ahmed , it's great topic

Anonymous said...

Keep it up...

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